CICS Americas – a different kind of company

We believe auditing services should positively impact your company’s culture and performance.

Participating in an audit should benefit your company’s performance and morale since it should always lead to improvement.

Recognizing a sound management system or assisting in identifying enhancements to achieve your company’s objectives invariably creates positive outcomes.

Our approach to auditing is affirmative. We always look for the system’s effectiveness and how it achieves the intended objectives.

We form ONE team with your staff – no closed-door meetings or secret notetaking.

audit services

Our expertise is in management systems.

Management systems are an integral tool for successful organizations. A robust management system helps identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively.

No matter what system you are implementing (food safety, health and safety, or quality), your organization can eliminate or minimize adverse impacts by systematically addressing risks.

Our job is to make your system better!

SQF resources

How Important is Customer Service to you?

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. We think a 1 minute “The Office” video is worth more than any number of words to explain our customer service.

Here are Jim and Dwight at their best!

SQF resources

No se fíe de nuestra palabra. Lea lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Apoyo en momentos de estrés!

"Nuestra experiencia con CICS fue excelente. Intervinieron en un momento de estrés y nos ayudaron en el proceso de recertificación. Nuestro auditor es un gran socio, una experiencia mucho mejor que la que hemos tenido en el pasado."

Chris Harrington

President, Lonestar Seafood LLC

Un año lleno de retos, ¡más fácil!

"La Auditoría fue una gran experiencia de aprendizaje. El equipo de CICS facilitó el proceso. Nuestro gestor de cuentas clave facilitó un año difícil (debido a Covid) gestionando el proceso de ampliación. Fue bueno trabajar con el auditor y estaba muy bien informado".

Anthony Trujillo

Food Safety & Compliance, PCQI, Seco Spice LTD Co.

Servicio de primera clase

"El servicio prestado por CICS fue de primera clase, siempre atento a nuestras necesidades. Un auditor con amplia experiencia y una comunicación oportuna y abierta con nuestro gestor de proyectos hicieron que fuera una gran experiencia."

Dere Bryan Jimenez

QA Manager, Mission Foods

Es fácil trabajar con ellos.

"Es muy fácil trabajar con CICS, son minuciosos y justos. Recurrimos a ellos anualmente para la certificación de seguridad alimentaria".

Drew Siegert

President,Betty Jane Homemade Candies Inc.

Our qualifications are:


With over 30 years of experience, our team has audited management systems for large multinationals and small family businesses, from toilet manufacturers to the maintenance of the awesome Space Shuttle orbiter!

Additionally, our staff has experience designing management systems, having worked on their implementation in national and international companies. This brings a different perspective when auditing since they have been on both sides of the auditing table.

Finally, we are approved by the most recognized accreditation bodies and government entities, including:

Don’t take our word for it. Here is what our customers are saying about us:

Accreditation Certificate #: COS-0017

Accredited by COS under COS-2-04 to conduct SEMS audits to COS-2-03, and issue certificates under COS-2-05.

ANAB Accredited

ANAB Accredited

Product Certification Body for SQF Certification
Accreditation ID #1087, issued by ANAB

SASISOPA Industrial

Auth. #TA-D-A01-47/2018


SASISOPA Implementation

Auth. #TA-D-A04-34/2018
